
WORKSHOP & INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR with “IT TREND 2013 FOR EDUCATION” as the topic and “Preparation to International Standard in 2013 Curriculum for SMK in IT Majors” as the sub topic. The seminar and workshop will be held on Monday – Tuesday,  18 -19  February 2013 at Ballroom Grand Royal Panghegar Bandung, West Java.

The purposes of this seminar are

1.    To provide support for the smooth operation of learning in vocational competency skills Computer Engineering and Networks in order to create quality human resources in the area of Information Technology.

2.    To provide knowledge about the standardization of the tools of international standard practice.

3.    To improve the quality of human learning facilitator (teacher Productive), in the form of improvement and standardization of its competence.

4.    To add learning resources in the form of text books in accordance with the needs of the implementation of the employment.

The seminar and workshop will be attended by more than 1000 participants from all over Indonesia from various educational institutions and ICT-related companies. We have received confirmations from top-notch government officals for the keynote speech and other speakers with global and national reputations in the education and ICT fields.